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Support Us

Get Involved

We used our established network in Afghanistan to provide support to our Allies, in  collaboration with our network in Afghanistan Integrity Aid is presenting a new way that you can help and support our Afghan Allies and their families through this hard time please consider a donation to feed our Afghan Allies and their families even a small donation can feed a family for a week or month your donation is very important and make a tremendous impact while we are working hard to find a way to get our Allies in to safety. That so far we successfully managed to evacuate one family to Turkey. 


500$ per family for sustainment 
7000$ per family for relocation


Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:


In Person

3451 Saland Way, Apt 214
Jacksonville, FL 32246


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 754-777-1535

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